
One of the first things my spiritual Master shared with me is that the word LAW and the word LOVE are from the same origin. I always found it an interesting idea that a lawyer is a lover. I become a lawyer according to the Belgian and European system, but at the same time I was trained to become a Universal lawyer by my spiritual Master.

He also shared with me that a LAW is a code that always works: In every system, for every species, for every time, for every place the code will unlock energy in the same way. The Law is a combination of keys or frequencies and, when you tune in to this combination in the right way, it creates magical order for you and your life.

Of course there are several Laws, but the code that is continually at work beyond all Laws is the Law of Attraction. And this Law is always at work during every day, in every space, in every level of your life, and through every action, thought, and feeling that you are.

When I first got this, to be honest, I was very upset. “O my God,” I thought, “all  the things that were in my life, I attracted.” How and when I had no idea. Of course by understanding the more refined aspects of the Law of Attraction I understood that sometimes you attract things before you are even born, and that you are part of a larger collective field that attracts for you your family, your country, and your humanity.
You are not the only one that is attracting; you are part of a field of attraction. 

Most teachings share with you that the Universe/God is within you. And I do acknowledge this completely, BUT they are missing a very important aspect: the universe/God is also around you. 

As you are in oneness with the field that you live and work in, what is around you influences you as much as what is within you. These two directions inside out and outside in are complementary to each other.

As With In you, so is Around you -As Around you, so is Within you.

Transformational Regards
Marie Diamond

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