How much time do you spent judging your self?

Energy Message from Marie Diamond:

How much are you judging? Do you know that judging your self and others is creating negative energy that pulls you down? Do you know that giving compliments, saying thank you, is uplifting you and creates positive energy. And still you have always comments on your self and others, noticing the things that are not good and expressing it on top of it. And since we have social media it is even worse: we like, dislike, comment, on twitter, you tube, Facebook etc now even virtually. I learned when I was young a great truth: If you can not say something positive, do not talk. If you can not write something positive, stop writing. But we just love to gossip, comment, judge etc... but we do not know how much energy we are losing constantly. Why do you not stop judging for at least one day. Each time you want to react, say to your self: I stay neutral. I do not take this personal. and see how much more energy you have in the evening. Like this page, if you are struggling with judging your self and even others and you wish to try it for at least ONE DAY. Comment only positive otherwise, just do not put energy in commenting and use it for doing something positive.

with Love to All of YOU.

Marie Diamond.
